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Jotto Desk  carries a full line of laptop desks, mounts and stands for all vehicles. Increase personal productivity with a truck, car, SUV or van mobile laptop desk... most of us have laptops so that we can take our business with us. What better place to have a mobile lap top desk than in your truck, suv, car, or van. Have you ever been on the road wishing you could just open your laptop for a few minutes to pull up a contact or a document? Could you do it when it was in the case in the backseat? Maybe, but not with ease.

Now, what if that laptop was on a desk right beside you? You pull over, lift the screen and your working with your contacts, all your information is right there. Need to enter some data, as you leave a sales call?  With  laptop desks from Jotto Desk, it's a cinch. Now your laptop is helping you be more productive! We have a Laptop Desk - For any vehicle, even an import laptop desk.

Your investment is minimal get all the productivity you wanted to have from the laptop you acquired. Most buyers of the laptop desks are deducting it as a business expense, further reducing the outlay, but think of the return. Could you increase your sales by even a few % each week having access to all your data quickly and efficiently? Could you perform more quotes, finish more jobs and projects, just with the time and energy saved by having your laptop handy and accessible, absolutely.

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